
Showing posts from August, 2017

26 August-On the road and in the water

Big day today. The weather was mild, the temperature was 17C and there was a light wind of 13km/h. It was the ideal day to resume some outdoor activities. Indeed hat is exactly what I did; and overall, it went well. I cycled over 30 km in the neighborhood and swam over 1600 meters in the sea nearby. It feels really great to be training outdoor, first time in over 3 months. Also the physical sensations were pretty good, no pain. Even better, after the swim the swelling on the foot had recessed a lot. Some thoughts went through my mind that the average speeds weren't great, I wasn't always well coordinated, obviously some muscle groups are now weaker than other. I make an effort to brush those bad thoughts away, it was the first day training outdoor; and it was great even if I had to use my hybrid bike. Also is only my 3rd open water swim this year. The last one was on the 14th of May. So I just need to be patient, before I pass judgment on my current fitness and set new ta...

22 August-Breaking the ice and rolling on two wheels

Today, I managed another milestone; I used my bicycle to go to work. It isn't very far just 2 km away. There is a little hill to climb half way through. I didn't plan to cycle, it just happens. As I was getting ready to go to work my son asked me to help fix his bicycle. While doing this I decided to give it go, I have been training a few times on the turbo and I thought I was ready, and the weather was fine... So I climb on the bike, pedal. Yes, the hill is short but tough enough...but it felt so good to be back on the saddle. Next week-end if the weather is good, I should try the road bike. Hurrah 😃 Otherwise, not much is changing. I am still battling with a swollen foot. So as a result, I am not doing any calf raises. So I am not doing much specific exercises, but a bit with the elastic band. At least, I can train few times a week on the bike trainer, and I swim also 2 or 3 times a week. Fitness wise I can start to see some benefits, That's all for now, while the fo...

13 August-Didn't meet expectations

So when the orthopedist told me I was good to go on two shoes, I was very excited. I knew I wasn't going to run the next day but I was still too optimistic or naive regarding what I will be able to do. So the next day I went to the pool to practice some calf raise exercises, see picture on the right; hardly exciting! So I did a bit of this then I swam a little too. It was complete shock to realize how much water fitness and feel I lost in over 2 months. When swimming I felt uncomfortable not properly coordinated and very slow. I manage to do a couple of 50 meters breaststroke and freestyle. Since then I have been back another 3 times. Sadly I couldn't go during the week, I think it would have helped a lot, but for now I practiced only at week-end, hopefully from next week it will be different. Little by little I am progressing, Every session so far, I have been swimming for longer, and with longer repetition 50 meter, then 100. I am doing a bit of back crawl as well. What I ...

4 August-2 shoes

Finally, it has been a long 10 weeks since I ruptured my Achilles tendon but today I have got the go ahead from the orthopedist to start walking on 2 shoes. Can't wait to go to the pool tomorrow.

1 August-Those boots were made for walking

Last Friday, I removed the last layer on the heel wedge. At last walking feels natural... well almost! I still have this ugly heavy boot hanging on my leg. Are you ready boots? Start walkin'! So on Saturday and Sunday that's exactly what I did, I went to the gym. I used the ergometer for 20 minutes. Guinness me, I am unfit! Then the bike trainer mainly on one leg. Total of the session a whopping 410 calories 😔. Anyway the next day I was back into the gym, and I did more training, this time 1 hour on the turbo for a simple cardio session, and 34.53 km later I have burnt a satisfactory 620 calories. Cardio wise there is a lot of progress to do, but this will give a benchmark. Well this is cycling not walking you are going to say. Indeed, the walking happened after I walked back home, which I didn't dare to do the week before. Talking about fighting you daemons and indeed those boots are made for walking. Not sure the physiotherapist and the orthopedist who ...